Lung Disease Screening & Diagnosis

Breathe better with the help of the lung and respiratory screening and diagnosis services at UC San Diego Health.

Rely on the experience of our lung doctors, also known as pulmonologists, to detect and deliver a timely, accurate diagnosis – when it’s easier to treat.

Lung Screening Experts

Get the safest and best possible imaging and guidance from our board-certified pulmonologists. You can feel confident that your doctor will recommend the right diagnostic tests for you and use minimally invasive techniques when possible.

Low-Dose CT Lung Cancer Screening

Access the most effective lung cancer screening method at UC San Diego Health. You may benefit from a lung screening if you are over 55 years old or have a history of smoking within the last 15 years.

Advanced Diagnostic Tests

Look to UC San Diego Health for a wide range of diagnostic tests. To diagnose lung disease, your doctor may recommend:

  • Bronchoscopy – Looks at your lungs, throat, and other airways using a thin, flexible tube through your nose to diagnose lung disease and other airway problems
  • Electromagnetic navigation bronchoscopy (ENB) – Removes tissue samples (biopsy) from your lungs using advanced technology so your doctor can diagnose lung disease and tumors as early as possible
  • Endobronchial ultrasound (EBUS) – Uses a bronchoscope with a fine needle and tiny camera to see inside your lungs and take tissue and fluid samples
  • Pulmonary function and exercise testing – Assesses how well your lungs work with and without exercise

Want to Quit Smoking?

We can help.

Whether you're ready to quit or just thinking about it, learn more about smoking cessation or call 800-NO-BUTTS.