Verification Requests

Medical Staff Administration oversees verification requests. See information below for various types of verifications.

Medical Staff and Advanced Practice Provider Verifications

To verify hospital affiliations for medical staff and advanced practice providers, please search online  by last name and facility. Note: UC San Diego Health includes Jacobs Medical Center, Thornton Hospital, Moores Cancer Center and Sulpizio Cardiovascular Center.

If you do not find the practitioner in an online search, fax your request and current release to (619) 543-7850 or email

Internship, Residency and Fellowship Verifications

To verify a resident, intern or fellow, see Graduate Medical Education's Credential Verification page  and find the correct contact information for the individual program. For more information, call (619) 543-8254.

Claims History and Professional Liability Verifications

To verify claims history and professional liability, contact Risk Management, (619) 543-2042 or

Academic/Faculty Verifications

To verify an academic position or faculty employment, visit Equifax's The Work Number or call 800-367-5690 and use UC San Diego Employer Code 15975. You will need the employee's Social Security number.