Vasectomy Reversal

When you decided to get a vasectomy, you wanted a form of permanent birth control. But life can change, and now you want to have children through natural conception.

Look to us for your vasectomy reversal because the Men's Health Center is San Diego's only clinic devoted solely to men's sexual and reproductive health. Our urology services are repeatedly ranked among the top 50 in the nation by U.S. News and World Report.

Vasectomy Reversal Expertise

Dr. T. Mike Hsieh, director of the Men's Health Center, is a prominent board-certified urologist with advanced training in microsurgery and men's reproductive health. He is sought out for his skill and expertise in treating male infertility, and vasectomy reversal is the most common surgery he performs.

He leads a team of experienced men's health specialists who have the expertise and technology to treat a wide range of sexual health conditions.

Success Rate

A successful vasectomy reversal is one that returns sperm to the semen. At UC San Diego Health, vasectomy reversal is about 90 to 95 percent successful.

Your success rate may be lower if the fluid does not flow from the testes into the reopened vas deferens or if this fluid is thick and pasty.

Am I a Candidate for Vasectomy Reversal?

During your initial consultation, our doctor will help you decide if a vasectomy reversal is a good choice for you and your partner, or whether another option is recommended. Factors to consider include:

  • Your health
  • Length of time since your vasectomy
  • Medications you take, since some can reduce sperm production
  • The age and health of your female partner

Your age is not usually a factor, especially if you have already fathered children.

Costs and Insurance

A vasectomy reversal and follow-up semen analyses may not be covered by insurance, unlike your original vasectomy. Our insurance navigators can help verify your coverage and out-of-pocket costs prior to the procedure, so there are no surprises. We will work with you to make your vasectomy reversal as affordable as possible.

Advanced Microsurgical Approach

During a vasectomy reversal, your urologist reconnects the tubes (vas deferens) that carry sperm from your testes to the semen. Because these tubes are very thin, your UC San Diego Health urologist uses high-powered surgical microscopes to magnify the structures for better results. In particular, your doctor is able to more precisely remove the scarred ends of your vas deferens and connect the reopened ends with fine sutures.

If a blockage is found in the vas deferens that could hinder sperm movement, your urologist may perform a more complicated procedure, referred to as epididymovasostomy or vasoepididymostomy.

What to Expect

Your vasectomy reversal surgery usually takes two to three hours. You are then monitored for a few hours to ensure your recovery is comfortable. If you need an epididymovasostomy, your operating time may be four hours, followed by similar post-surgical monitoring.

Your surgery does not require a hospital stay. Before leaving, your care team will provide information on what to expect following your surgery, including instructions on pain management, wound care and activity. You should be able to resume light activity within a week and sex within two to three weeks.

Follow-Up Care and Pregnancy

A follow-up evaluation occurs two to three weeks after your procedure. A semen analysis will be recommended two to three months after your procedure.

Pregnancy following a vasectomy reversal depends on many factors, but most couples get pregnant within four to twelve months of the procedure.

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