Bariatric Procedures We Offer
The type of bariatric surgery that works best for you will depend on several factors. These include your general health, needs and preference.
Our surgeons at the Bariatric and Metabolic Institute at UC San Diego Health offer multiple bariatric surgery options for long-term weight loss. Take the next step in your weight loss journey.
Types of Weight Loss Surgeries
Each weight loss procedure benefits certain people, depending on their health status, body mass index (BMI) and individual situation. Below are summaries of the surgeries offered and the ideal candidates for each type of surgery:
Gastric Sleeve
Ideal Candidates | How It's Done | Benefits | Expected Weight Loss |
Severely obese (BMI of 35 or more) for more than five years. Nonsurgical serious weight-loss attempts were unsuccessful. Is willing to make significant lifestyle changes. | Large segment of the stomach is removed through a small incision. Minimally invasive laparoscopic technique. Part of stomach that creates hunger-producing hormone is removed. Patients experience diminished appetite. | No device is implanted with the gastric sleeve. Simpler procedure than gastric bypass. Fewer food intolerances than with gastric band. No intestinal rerouting. Faster weight loss than gastric banding. Appropriate for teenagers ages 14 and up. | 30 to 50 percent of excess weight in the first 6 to 12 months, with a total of 50 to 70 percent excess weight loss over two years. Read more about the gastric sleeve |
Gastric Banding
Ideal Candidates | How It's Done | Benefits | Expected Weight Loss |
Severely obese (BMI of 35 or more) for more than five years. Nonsurgical serious weight-loss attempts were unsuccessful. Is willing to make significant lifestyle changes. | Gastric band is placed around the stomach to create a small stomach pouch. Port accessible at the skin's surface allows for easy adjustments. Minimally invasive laparoscopic technique works by limiting food intake, reducing appetite and slowing digestion. | This is one of the safest, least invasive surgical weight loss options. No stomach stapling or intestinal rerouting. Adjustable and reversible bariatric surgery option. Outpatient procedure. Fast recovery time. Appropriate for teenagers ages 14 and up. | 50 percent of excess weight over two years. Read more about gastric banding |
Gastric Bypass
Ideal Candidates | How It's Done | Benefits | Expected Weight Loss |
Severely obese (BMI of 35 or more) for more than five years. Nonsurgical serious weight-loss attempts were unsuccessful. Is willing to make significant lifestyle changes. | Stomach is made smaller by creating a small pouch. Intestines are rerouted. Minimally invasive laparoscopic technique. After surgery, patients absorb fewer calories and nutrients. | Rapid weight loss from gastric bypass. Patients have experienced resolution of diabetes, hypertension, sleep apnea and coronary artery disease. Increased weight loss compared to gastric banding. Appropriate for teenagers ages 14 and up. | 65 to 80 percent of excess weight over 18 months. Read more about gastric bypass |
Gastric Bypass Revision
Ideal Candidates | How It's Done | Benefits | Expected Weight Loss |
Former gastric bypass patients who have regained weight. Patients who did not lose weight after gastric bypass. | Incisionless procedure returns stomach pouch to the size achieved after gastric bypass. A small, flexible endoscope is inserted through the mouth. | Outpatient procedure. Fast recovery time. No scarring. Minimal post-operative pain. | Loss of 1 to 2 pounds a week, starting immediately after surgery. |
Gastric Balloon
Ideal Candidates | How It's Done | Benefits | Expected Weight Loss |
Have a BMI of 30 to 40. Nonsurgical weight loss attempts were unsuccessful. Have one or more health issues related to obesity. | A thin, deflated balloon is placed in the stomach through the mouth. Once in place, it's filled with a saline solution. | No incisions required. Temporary balloon is placed only for 6 months or less. Outpatient procedure is done under mild sedation. | 10 percent of excess weight over 6 months. |
Navigating Your Experience
Our bariatric program’s multidisciplinary team understands the emotional impact of your diagnosis and treatment and will assist you as you navigate this process. We will guide you from your first interaction with doctors and registered dieticians through your recovery.
Our patient navigator can answer questions, address your concerns and offer support as you prepare for surgery. The navigator will also provide an informational webinar to help you understand our services and know what to expect during your bariatric surgical journey with us.
Weight Loss Specialists
MBSAQIP Accredited Comprehensive Center
Our Bariatric and Metabolic Institute is a fully accredited Surgical Quality Partner in the Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery Accreditation and Quality Improvement Program (MBSAQIP) of the American College of Surgeons (ACS), meeting the highest standards for patient safety and quality. This designation means you get safe, effective and high-quality weight loss surgeries and care at UC San Diego Health.