Contact the Acoustic Neuroma Program

Complete Our Contact Form to Request an Evaluation

An acoustic neuroma evaluation includes a complete review of the patient's medical records, hearing tests, audiograms and MRI scans, previous medical history and any relevant medical histories of family members. An introductory discussion about the potential course of care — including observation, surgery or radiosurgery — is also included. Medical records can be uploaded to a secure website or sent by mail. For more information, call 858-249-2944.

Call for Appointment or Information858-249-2944

Patient Support and Navigation

When you contact the Acoustic Neuroma Program, our team will help you prepare for your first interaction with the doctors. We have two patient navigators who can answer questions, address your concerns, and support you as you prepare for treatment. Both are previous patients and have had surgery for their own acoustic neuromas. They understand the emotional impact the diagnosis and treatment may have and will provide support and assistance as you navigate this process.